Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój na lata 2014-2020 w ramach 1 Osi „Wsparcie prowadzenia prac B+R przez przedsiębiorstwa”, Działanie 1.1 „Projekty B+R przedsiębiorstw”, Poddziałanie 1.1.1 „Badania przemysłowe i prace rozwojowe realizowane przez przedsiębiorstwa”

Subject of the project is development and activation, in Baran – Systemy Ogrodzeniowe, supervised technology for the production of powdered coated galvanized steel elements. The company specializes in production of fences and gates intended for individual, institutional and business customers. Several years of experience, as well as, strong competition prompted the company to take actions aimed at improving quality of the offered products while reducing production costs. The key aspect of sale is product quality control.
To meet the growing demands of customers regarding the durability of the product, the Baran – Systemy Ogrodzeniowe company decided to develop comprehensive production supervision system covering its range all unit processes, starting off with production planning, through the stage of receiving batch materials supplies, their processing in straightening, welding, degreasing and coating operations with the use of detailed inspection of semi-finished and finished products, up to rigorous quality control of the finished product and several years of evaluation of manufactured elements installed at customers in order to determine the actual durability of the product. Project includes works related to the development of an expert system, enabling supervision of the manufacturing process at its every stage. Work will also be carried out on an automated vision system, dedicated to realizable in real time product inspection after galvanizing and varnishing.
The complex of solutions proposed for development commissioning will allow for the prediction of the life cycle of powder coated elements, and thus intelligent qualification of indyvidual production batches depending on the requirements of individual customers and the specifics of a given market segment.

Tytuł projektu: Opracowanie i uruchomienie kompleksowo nadzorowanej technologii wytwarzania ocynkowanych elementów stalowych malowanych proszkowo
Wartość projektu: 3 770 007,06 PLN
Dofinansowanie: 2 716 002,85 PLN
Numer wniosku: POIR.01.01.01-00-0736/18
Okres realizacji: 01.06.2019 – 31.12.2022